Wednesday, April 28, 2010

so good

one of the funnier things i've seen this month. two new blog links on the side here --->

Saturday, April 24, 2010

blowin' it

should be in NC right now having fun but I slept through my alarm. and now there is nothing to do today.

i dont get footage. i stand around and watch people stack. deadline for filming on my video is the end of the summer and I'm keeping to it. my camera fits in my palm so it's overlooked. I'll probably give in after this headache of a video and get a vx so I can fit in with the crowd. or maybe I'll become a real person and wage slave the rest of my life. either way I loose. I wish I had a real life like everyone else.

netherfriends. so good.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Andrew's Ragu Commercials.

Andrew's Ragu Commercials from clemsausage on Vimeo.

Andrew came to me again with another Advertising project he needed to do. This time it would require three 30 second commercials for his appointed brand Ragu Pasta Sauce. With help from his partner KP, Andrew came up with 3 solid commercial ideas which I filmed and edited in two days. Corey Caudill and Corey Henderson both acted in these two commercials. We filmed a third one with Drew Dayberry which may or may not be put together at a later date.

Monday, April 19, 2010

slap forums...

I get such a kick out of the kids that post on there every day. here is an example of their wittyness:

Sunday, April 18, 2010

its my birthday

last night was great. and as I predicted I spend my real birthday hungover and everyone ditched me for DC. here are pictures from the past few weeks I haven't posted. I get stoked when people get mad at me because I haven't updated this thing.

sj's on top of his game.

everyone loves him.

easily best birthday present i will get this year. thanks andrew.


Thursday, April 8, 2010


i wish


i always have the craziest nap dreams. just had one where my dad asked me to take the trash to the dumb so i was driving through new york city in my dad's truck with a trailer attached and an ATV on it. driving down the highway and a subway comes above ground and derails and subway cars bunch up and a few shoot out onto the highway and fuck everything up. one shoots out and hits the cars in front of me and totals it. i skreetch the breaks and stop then just sit there in shock staring at it all. i finally roll down the window and then see another subway train coming. it hits the mangled mess and causes more crazyness. i get out and start walking around the cars and subway trains with other people that survived and people trying to help people. i watch some guy trying to tie up some other guys bloody leg with a shirt then the dude thats hurt just jumps up and says hes fine and it was just a small cut. im walking around looking at more shit and then sit down on the atv on the trailer. then a whole squad of ATVS rolls up to help people. one ATV woman recognizes my virginia plates and wonders why im here and i get into a friendly conversation with her about virginia and shit while mayhem is going on around us. then she heads out to help people and i sit there. im staring around and then i feel a tap on my should and turn around to see jason lee smiling at me. im flabbergasted and cant come to words then he says "hey man cant stay i have to go, long story" i hop off the atv and shake his hand and hug him and spit vaiours video days and other skate knowledge at him and he laughs and is humbled. i thank him for his contribution to skateboarding and then tell him i hope he finds who he is looking for. i then turn around to see some kids that have posted up on my atv while i was talking to jason and ask them politely to get off so i can resume my pirch. they try to argue back with me and just then i feel a slight clich around my forhead and something slide across my throat then out of my peripheral i see a bloody knife blade. i grab my throat and see blood and feel my throat swelling up instantaneously with blood. i begin to suffocate holding my bloody throat and running around wildly staring at people hoping someone will help. i finally colapse at the feet of everyone and die/wake up. so wild.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

was hoping it was just a dream

Got the news last night about Drew passing. Always hard to see someone within your social circle go. I feel like everything has already been said but I deffinetly have some good memories the few times I've been in this dude's presence. Always brought a smile to my face to see him rip off his shirt and dance around non stop. And as cliche as it sounds, this is honestly the nicest person I've ever met, I feel like this dude would take a bullet for anyone he ever met, and sad to say but it seems like he may have done the equivalent. I hope that his family and closer friends are coping well with memories of him in mind. I will always remember you Drew.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

thought it was over

over these dumb party pictures. never in order. same thing every weekend.

as soon as i got here the cops showed up and then i had to listen to every person i know tell me i suck because i didnt go to slaughterama and watch them get muddy and drunk. always the bad guy.

this is what i did instead. it was pretty entertaining. jody and ryan shamblin were there too.

this picture sums up the weekend.

big kid's first veggie.

i hang out with the wrong crowd.