Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Clement

Clement had a fun birthday at coldhouse saturday night which also served as a premiere for Roy's video Shrednugget 2 which turned out to be real good.

judge travis and his gavel

the last of the coups.

the hazelwood siblings

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

bike update.

I like my bike. I keep forgetting to take pictures because I'm riding it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


i got my bike and everything but its been raining so i haven't really been able to ride it much. hopefully later this week will be better. and somehow i got tricked and its not fixed gear. i dont care though.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


looks like ill have it by monday. wooooooo

Monday, May 3, 2010

clem buys a bike

yeah I did it. earlier this year if you asked me if I would ever buy a fixie I would have said fuck no. but for some reason they are appealing to me now. just a simple looking bike that looks like fun to cruise around on if I get tired of skating I suppose. but here are my main reasons for the sudden change of heart.

-single speeds look cool, real simple
-won't have to drive around as much since I will be keeping it downtown
-easy way out of driving people around to parties
-could be fun to cruise with friends at night
-the one i found was cheap as fuck for a fixed gear
-its a mongoose. ha
-I bought it from the most american chain store in the world. walmart.
-and this video is probably the main reason i've changed my mind...

so I guess im just waiting for it to be shipped to the walmart by my house. gonna pick up a u-lock and cable lock. maybe look into getting whatever I need to make the front wheel a quick release. but yeah, if someone would be down to let me lock it up in their backyard or something I'd appreciate it.

Haven't really decided if I'm gonna go breakless or not. I guess I re-learn how to ride a bike first with breaks then loose them.

here is the link to it on the walmart site, you should get one too

and here is a review, ill probably take it to a bike shop right after i buy it to make sure they put it together right at walmart.

and of course pictures, its a mongoose cachet:

this is what it will like before I get to it..

and this is what it will look like after I take care of a few things.

pretty excited, and ready for the hate from my friends.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

cant stop.

I have too much fun taking pictures of people. I hope people that look at this actually enjoy this.


worth it.

Helping frazzled parents gain confidence
Reduce anxiety and flourish in parenthood

the two shit girls are officially banned from coldhouse. I hope the drunk bus runs them over. and this picture was taken approximately 10 seconds after steph broke dennis' $250 zong, it was awkward like dad hit mom. i could careless about the zong but i'll use it as a reason to hate her more. her and the heroin junkie also broke into dennis' AND DJ's room and stole money. worst people.

i'm on the fence with this one. congrats jake.