Sunday, September 28, 2008


skateboarding, you know, that thing only like 3 of us do anymore.

havent been 3 cars deep in months.

this was some long death manual pad. you cant see but andy started it off with a half cab manual clap out then ryan followed with a manual..... and then theres king.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


its about time right? im glad just to get these done. as i said yesterday, i had andy go through the trouble of INDIVIDUALLY DRAWING each DVD. so when you buy a SJWHL dvd from me you will have ONE OF A KIND. here is a picture of just one of the dvd's he did. I dont want to ruin the suprise for you so I wont post anymore. just let me say that you will be super stoked on what you get. so the dvd's are 5 bucks you just have to find me.

get them while you can, I only made 24.

oh yeah, dont tell me to "save one for you" im not keeping track of that. liz ive got you covered.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

get ready

it seem like everyday this past like 5 days ive been ready to say "alright dvds tomorrow for sure" but now i can say with CERTAINTY that the dvd's will be ready to sell tomorrow around 12 o'clock for 5 bucks a piece. so send me a text message or call me about getting one. they would be ready for you to buy today but im having some last minute changes done specially for YOU. you'll see what I mean tomorrow. stay tuned.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

this makes me want to start posting pictures again.

its kinda cool seeing shit ive printed at work in real life.

i have to skate by myself now i guess.


Sunday, September 21, 2008


if you have any pants in a size 30-32 waist and dont need them anymore i could use them. also any shirts in a size medium.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

buy my adidas/lakais

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


hopefully by friday or saturday. 5 bucks a piece, come find me.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


i just realised when someone posts a comment about the blog it doesn't notify me. im not an asshole for not responding, i just didnt know. apparently i have people from norway/some spanish speaking continent, and god knows where else browsing, and a lot of spam. angrypirateahr who are you?

for everyone that keeps asking about dvd's

i just burned the first one. ive got to make copies now, buy cases, and design/print the slips.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

example of my shit luck/life

spent 3 days working on something sick for my sketchbook and managed to fuck the entire thing up on the last damn line. I kind of fixed it but it doesnt look right unless you are standing 10 feet away.

oh yeah, clement's myspace bulletins are so hot right now.

i need to start posting pictures again.

i need to make the dvds.

i need to eat.
i need to eat healthier.

i need to get new pants.
i need to stop spending so much money

Sunday, September 7, 2008

internet is so good.

im in the middle of a private premiere of SJWHL with christian in NJ. <3 macs


Saturday, September 6, 2008


people actually read this thing?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2 more days till everyone forgets I even made a video.


hospitality west

i jsut woke up from a dream that i went into dominion west and it was being completely remodled, i had to move around boxes of like antiques and shit then i finally got to jay who was staring into space. i asked him what was up with the shop and why he wasnt at the premiere and he said he was too cool. then he said his part probably sucked and all of his tricks probably sucked and didnt want to see it. then i started looking around and found a shirt dominion made for reamer. it said "the ream" on the front and had a picture of him on the back in rasta colors. looked a little more then found another shirt with "JAY" on the front and some eagles on the back. found one pair of blue gazelles on sale, size 13. and a whole section of mountain tees. there was a whole rack of black dvs long sleeve shirts, had to be like 100 of the same shirt. i went over to the mountain tees rack and started to take them off too look at each one and the whole rack fell on me beause it was top heavy and made of like plastic.